Klimatet Invest investerar i Utilifeed, vårt åttonde portföljbolag
Klimatet Invest investerar i ett teknikföretag som hjälper fjärrvärmeföretag att producera energi mer effektivt och klimatvänligt-Utilifeed Utilifeed utvecklar digitala lösningar som hjälper fjärrvärmeföretag att optimera sin produktion, distribution och affär, vilket ger lägre energiförluster och minskade CO2-utsläpp. Bolagets ambition är att utgöra själva ryggraden i fjärrvärmebolagens framtida IT infrastruktur. Bolaget får nu stöd från bland […]
Worldwide Launch of the Epishine OneCell, Brings Design and Market-Leading Performance Together
Swedish Epishine is launching their second revolutionary product to the market. Following their previous solar cells, the new OneCell has the same market-leading high performance in low-light, but with an added focus on design. Today, the majority of sensors and low-power electronics rely on disposable batteries, resulting in a higher environmental impact and increased maintenance […]
Collaboration between Epishine, Ynvisible Interactive Inc & Ligna Energy
’Ben’ is the result of a collaboration between Epishine, Ynvisible Interactive Inc & Ligna Energy. Three companies that are all producing sustainable electronics with roll-to-roll printing in Östergötland, Sweden. Ben measures carbon dioxide, temperature and relative humidity and transfers data via Bluetooth Low Energy. All the needed energy and power comes from Epishines indoor solar cell and Lignas […]
Pricer and Epishine in strategic partnership to set the foundation for the next generation sustainable light-powered electronic shelf labels
Today’s fast-paced retail environment requires innovative digital solutions without compromising sustainability. Pricer, a leading supplier of shelf edge automation and communication solutions, will explore the possibilities of a new generation of advanced electronic shelf labels (ESL) making them self powered through light in partnership with Swedish Epishine. The retail industry’s rapidly evolving digital transformation enables […]
Organic materials rises against lithium in the batteries of the future
The Norrköping company Ligna Energy is in the process of proving its technology, which has attracted great interest. ”There is nothing other than our ability to produce that sets the limits,” says CEO Peter Ringstad. Visit our website.
Wood technology company Modvion successfully raises 125 million SEK
Swedish wood technology company Modvion has raised 125 million SEK to take its wooden wind turbine towers to the market. Leading global wind turbine manufacturer Vestas, Almi Invest Greentech, the European Commission’s EIC Fund, Course Corrected VC and Symbia VC invested in this round. To fight climate change, we need more renewable energy, and increased […]
Modvion tar in 125 miljoner kronor i nytt kapital
Det svenska träteknologiföretaget Modvion har tagit in 125 miljoner kronor i en ny investeringsrunda. Kapitalet tas in inför den kommersiella lanseringen av Modvions vindkraftstorn i trä. Bland investerarna finns den ledande tillverkaren av vindkraftverk Vestas, Almi Invest Greentech, EU-kommissionens EIC Fund, Course Corrected VC och Symbia VC. För att möta klimatkrisen behövs både mer förnybar […]
Cellfion and Ionautics team up
Cellfion and Ionauticsteam up for a project focusing on evaluating the combination of Ionautics nanostructured materials and Cellfions bio based membrane. One of the main goals is the creation of an integrated membrane-electrode assembly that is optimized to maximize efficiency and stability over time in PEM electrolysis.The project worth is 8 MSEK and will be […]
Liquid Wind partners with Umeå Energi for the establishment of an electrofuel facility in Umeå
A feasibility study carried out by Liquid Wind in partnership with Umeå Energi confirms that there are excellent conditions for establishing Sweden’s third electrofuel facility for the maritime sector at the Dåva cogeneration plant in Umeå. A partnership between Liquid Wind and Umeå Energi is now launched to make the facility a reality.
Calcibus will investigate its catalyst for use in electrolyzer
Celcibus has been awarded financial support in the total amount of 80 kEUR from Energimyndigheten (The Swedish Energy Agency) and Vinnova (The Swedish Innovation Agency) for two separate projects to investigate the viability and manufacturability respectively of its catalyst for an electrolyser application. The projects will run through the end of 2023.